You Are Seen! Accomplishment vs. Acknowledgment and Why Understanding the Difference Matters.

Sorry, you haven’t heard from me as much, But as you can see from the pic below, two of my sons (twins) graduated this May from two different schools. So my days have been full of tears, joy, college essays and then modeling how to make hard decisions when you just aren’t sure what to do.

Their graduations reminded me of a really important truth that it took me years to learn - There is a big distinction between accomplishment and recognition.

For many years I sought recognition for accomplishments that I had already cemented. I had already started the hard thing, pushed through the hard middle, and ran across the finish line, but no one was there at the end jumping up and down cheering for me.

Those who I thought would be happy for me were visibly absent as I mustered every iota of strength to get to the other side.

I felt unseen. 

Can you relate?

See, right now...

There is a best-selling novel being written, a great public speaker being born and even a CEO being developed. There is a talented dancer being trained, a chemist being built, and an extraordinary mama being nurtured.

There is a woman working to heal old wounds, who left an unhealthy relationship, or who is starting to believe in herself again.

But you’d never know.


Because …the acknowledgement of who she is becoming has not caught up with the accomplishment of what she's already done and become.

Like the kid who raised their hand over and over with the right answer never to be called on and acknowledged (I was that kid), their accomplishment (of knowing the right answer) preceded the acknowledgment. The problem is often after we’ve raised our hands one too many times without acknowledgment, we stop raising our hands. We stop sharing who we are and what we know because it’s not acknowledged or seen as valuable.

Right now, you might be patiently waiting for others to see what God already does. Or, you might not be wanting to put yourself out there because others may not acknowledge the gift you are and bring into the world. But I want you to know you are already accomplished without the acknowledgment. Stand in what you’ve already accomplished. Despite all the challenges and all the setbacks, you’ve made it to where you are right now. Don’t diminish what you’ve accomplished.

You are worthy to be celebrated, even if no one else sees you.  This is why I learned to start writing down my accomplishments each and everyday. This is the way I chronicle my accomplishments even if they are never acknowledged.

Sis, I see you, and I want to celebrate with you right now.

So, tell me what accomplishments I can celebrate with you right now?

You no longer have to wait for others to acknowledge what you’ve already accomplished! 

And while I acknowledge the success of my twins and the trials they’ve overcome, I know they were accomplished way before this formal acknowledgment, and so are YOU!

Share your accomplishments with me below or hit reply.

There are no accomplishments too small.

It’s all worthy of celebration.

So celebrate!!!



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